

Lines of action

To carry out its mission in a concrete and operational way, GTA develops around 6 specific lines of action that organize the annual objectives. By it's lines of actions, the GTA tends to:

Annual planning

In the following section we describe the objectives per year. This is an organic plan that is regularly updated.


  • Organize an international gathering of Indigenous Peoples and other local communities (rural and urban) who are practicing or moving towards Radical Democracy and Autonomy
  • Facilitating the interconnection of autonomous regional ‘enclaves’ in all the countries where it would be possible, learning from the experiences of the Zapatista in Chiapas and the Kurdish initiative in Rojava
  • Continued plugging into efforts, initiatives and mobilizations openly challenging the dominant system and advocating systemic alternatives in appropriate spaces, conditions and circumstances.
  • Sustain an international reference mapping and documentation platform that houses information and open knowledge about thousands of Alternatives at an international level, built in a collaborative way.
  • Continued global campaigns of information about the initiative, global/regional meetings, and documentation/outreach.
  • Promote new weaver processes in at least 5 countries/regions in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Europe.
  • Promote the organization of national meetings for building alliances between alternative experiences (and resistance movements they are linked to) in the countries where they are already articulated; encouraging the spread of such initiatives into new areas.
  • Engage in actions and expressions of solidarity with movements, either as the GTA or as a listing of its participating organisations/movements.
  • Consolidate the GTA as an international process for full range of activities relating to systemic transformation, in close collaboration with global spaces like the World Social Forum.