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*PeDAGoG: Post-Development Academic-Activist Global Group


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Sections (please scroll and look for the headings):

  • Courses and Curricula
  • Course Materials and Resources (tools, assignments, lesson plans, multimedia, etc.)
  • Teaching and Learning Methods
  • Networks and Related Initiatives
  • Individual Self-Introductions
  • What Do You Want From This Group?

*Courses and Curricula

Please include details on:

  • What language?
  • Where has this course been taught?
  • At what level is the material?
  • Contact details

International Joint Master Degree on Sustainable Territorial Development - Climate Change Diversity Cooperation (STeDe - CCD) University of Padova run from 2011 a Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Sustainable Territorial Development, now I'm the academic coordinator of this program and I'm re-organizing the program. The structure is - First semester in Padova - Second semester in European Universities - Third semester in Acia, African, Latin Amaerican universities - Fourth semester: fieldwork for thesis everywhere (possibility to deliver a semester II or III by distance learning) We can pursuit a contemporary double approach: self financing and application for Erasmus Mundus funds. For EU applications we need at least 3 European Universities delivering or the Joint Degree or a double degree. At the same time it is important to be able to deliver multiple degrees among the involved universities around the world. People in charge: Massimo De Marchi

Master in Political Ecology, with Specialization in Degrowth and Environmental Justice (2nd edition)

  • Master Political Ecology
  • People in charge: Gonzalo Gamboa, Claudio Cattaneo
  • The coordinator is Giorgos Kallis, but he has just started a parental leave and he will not be answering emails until the end of May.

Summer School in Degrowth and Environmental Justice (7th edition) You can contact the current coordinators at Degrowth Summer School They are emphasizing links with activism in the current edition. Previously coordinated by Beatriz Rodríguez Labajos (, but now and until the end of this year, based at UC Berkeley with a Marie Curie fellowship.

Living Utopias

I (Pallavi Varma Patil, teach a semester length course called Living Utopias at Azim Premji University, Bangalore designed for MA development and MA Public Policy students . I teach the same course with my colleague Sujit, who has retired from the university in a condensed form outside the university to whoever is interested in taking it. The course curates stories of radical alternatives from India and around the world and also introduces the participants to various frameworks that helps us understand the alternatives. Our course has a substantial component of Gandhi and Tagore's vision of a good society as an Anti Industrialism framework apart from degrowth , RED, Indigeneous visions, and eco-feminsim perspectives. Here is a bit about the short course:

##Master in Culture, Power and Sustainability English language with an international cohort of students - approx. 25-30 each year. Taught at Lund University, Sweden Masters level Programme Director: Vasna Ramasar on this list

## Reshaping of Social Relations in the Modern World (taught in collaboration with another university- last time UNISA) /. Community, Love and Justice Social Change / Sociology of Power These are some of the classes I teach and have a lot of materials accumulated over time email me if you want the syllabus, reading materials, activities etc.

*Course Materials and Resources (tools, assignments, lesson plans, multimedia, etc.)

Please include details on:

  • What language?
  • At what level is the material?
  • Contact details if relevant

Message if you need help uploading files and making them available.

Political Ecology podcasts

Nascent online repository of podcasts that can be used as pedagogical resources for political ecology & related courses

Heterodox economics: teaching material on various topics. Most of it is in English. Information about the level of each material and the place/institution where it was taught is on the document. Please, contact me through or through the mail list here in case you need any further information or material like bibliography that you cannot access. You might use other material from my page but the Teaching Documents have been tailored for teaching especially.

*Teaching and Learning Methods

*Networks and Related Initiatives

Global Tapestry of Alternatives (GTA)

Research and Degrowth (R&D)

The current president of Research and Degrowth (R&D) is Marta Conde ( She is proficient in maintaining networks of collaboration with organisations aligned with the R&D objectives.

Convivial Thinking We are an open group of scholars thinking, working and writing on all issues related to post- and decolonial approaches in the context of development, development studies and beyond

COST ACTION on "Decolonizing Development: Research, Teaching and Practice"

Unfortunately, as this is an EU funded network only Europeans can formally join (gah!), but there are several activities/events/workshops planned, especially with regard to teaching and learning, where we can and want to invite allie from beyond. It will be important for the network to have non-European allies to make sure it stays true to its objectives. Link available soon

The GIScience and Drones for Good Laboratory (D4G) provides support for teaching activities of advanced Masters in GIScience and Unmanned Systems for the integrated management of the territory and natural resources. The D4G laboratory carries out research support activities, applied research, participatory action research on the issues of GIScience and the use of geographic information technologies (GIS, web GIS, Unmanned Systems, etc.) in the sustainable management of the territory and of natural resources. The laboratory expresses itself both in permanent form and in multiple itinerant forms linked to field activities between Padua and the Amazon and different territories of ecological and cultural diversity in which to apply geographic information technologies to activate participatory action research paths. We have many amterial and tutorial on geographic information (at the moment in Italian, but in future English and Spanish) in this You tube Channel, I can prepare a play list for material suitable for PeDAGoG

Rosa Luxemburg Foundation with its different offices in ca. 25 countries offers many texts on the issue of sustainability/socio-ecological transformation (or transition) in very different languages Some offices funded or initiated the elaboration/developemt of concrete learning tools

*Individual Self-Introductions

Massimo De Marchi Massimo De Marchi, PhD, geographer, University of Padova (Italy). Coordinator of the research program on Climate Change, territories diversities. Coordinator of the International Joint Master Degree on Sustainable Territorial Development - Climate Change Diversity Cooperation (STeDe - CCD) among University of Padova and universities of Europe, Africa and Latin America. Professor of Environmental Policies, Environmental Impact Assessment, Agroecology. Director of Advanced Master on GIScience and Unmanned Systems for integrated management of territories and natural resources. Co-director of Joint program on “Climate Change Policies, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”, University of Padova and Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito, Ecuador). Research activities on climate justice, fossil fuel transition, participatory planning and environmental conflict management. Responsible of the research laboratory on GIScience and drones for Good dealing with research of citizens empowerment and use of Geographical technology and information.

Andreas Weber

Andreas, who's background is that of biology and philosophy, is currently drafting a think piece/ essay for hbs (India and overall) on “indigenous worldviews” and what he calls “forest think”. I had showed his very initial publication (in form of another essay for hbs) of 2012 with you. In fact this publication was probably the ground work of what later on lead into the much larger debate (within hbs) around the patterns of commoning, etc. There are now more recent publications of Andreas. He last year has updated the 2012 essay on Enlivenment and is at the moment touring with his very latest work on “Indigenuity” (which is not translated into English). He is teaching at the University of Arts (HdK) at Berlin and has some linkages with Universities in Italy as well. See one of his recent lectures on “Aliveness as the Heart of Economics, Ecology and Commoning” here: You can get him at:

Joulia Strauss

Joulia is a Russian/German Artist who is engaging in documentation and dialog about indegenous worldviews and their relation to creative/ artistic expressions. She focusses on India and on selected places in Latin America, Russia. She lives in Germany and Athens where she initiates/ curates the Avtonomi Akadimia where she actively engages in framing various types of interactive curricula and pedagogies that address knowlege around ecologies around performative creative processes. Joulia currently is co curator of the two week programme “Down to Earth”, planned to be held in June in Berlin where she is planning a trans-indegenous-assembly. More on this here: We are currently discussing on if/how to link up our process in the Northeast with this project. Will keep you updated in this regard. You can get her at:

Aram Ziai <>

my name is Aram, I teach in the MA Global Political Economy and Development at the university of Kassel/Germany. I've been giving courses on Post-Development for many years and have attached a recent syllabus for any who are interested, as well as a chapter on this and other experiences which has originally been presented in Sussex and especially at the ISS in The Hague on the first meeting of the 'Decolonial AlternativesAre activities and initiatives, concepts, worldviews, or action proposals by collectives, groups, organizations, communities, or social movements challenging and replacing the dominant system that perpetuates inequality, exploitation, and unsustainabiity. In the GTA we focus primarily on what we call "radical or transformative alternatives", which we define as initiatives that are attempting to break with the dominant system and take paths towards direct and radical forms of political and economic democracy, localised self-reliance, social justice and equity, cultural and knowledge diversity, and ecological resilience. Their locus is neither the State nor the capitalist economy. They are advancing in the process of dismantling most forms of hierarchies, assuming the principles of sufficiency, autonomy, non-violence, justice and equality, solidarity, and the caring of life and the Earth. They do this in an integral way, not limited to a single aspect of life. Although such initiatives may have some kind of link with capitalist markets and the State, they prioritize their autonomy to avoid significant dependency on them and tend to reduce, as much as possible, any relationship with them. to Development Network' in 2018.

Miriam Lang <>

I am working as a professor in the Area for Environment and Sustainability at Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar in Quito, Ecuador, which is a public, international postgraduate university.

I am participating in the Latin American Permanent Working Group on Alternatives to Development, which I coordinated until December 2015, and am co-coordinating the Global Working Group Beyond Development.

Academically speaking, I am currently teaching Political Economy of Climate Change in two Masters programmes around Climate Change, but what seems of more interest here is that with a little luck, we will be able to open a new Masters degree in “Political Ecology and Alternatives to Development” soon, which is currently undergoing its path of institutional approval. I will be the Programme Coordinator of this new program, which will be taught in Spanish in the first run.

Ariel Salleh <>

My work in Australia at the University of Sydney involves inputs on reproductive labour in Political Economy and Multispecies Justice in Sociology. A trans-valuation of reproductive labour is central to both social liberation and environmental reason - see here our new book Fakier et al. eds, Marxist Feminist Theories and Struggles Today: Essential Writings on Intersectionality, Labour, and Ecofeminism (2020).

Meanwhile, our China Studies Centre, is interested in growing an appreciation of the need for rural regeneration and food sovereignty … everywhere. In South Africa, the Nelson Mandela University which I am associated with, is developing a strong program on Culture, Environment, and Philosophy, linking in to exciting research on the local ubuntu ethic.

I am happy to say that over the past year, the politics of Ecofeminism has attracted enormous interest among women scholars and activists in France - for an introduction to this area, there are many readings at -

Clare Westwood <>

This is Clare Westwood from Malaysia. My contribution and interests would be in more informal/alternative educational methodologies (eg VIPP) to engage with and mobilize grassroot communities and groups working with such communities in the areas of building community resilience to climate change, ecological agriculture and food sovereignty.

Michel Pimbert <>:

By way introduction, I work with the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) at Coventry University in the UK. Several of my colleagues in CAWR and I are keen to work with you as part of the PeDAGoG.

The Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience explicitly works on alternatives to industrial food and farming, both here in the UK but also on different continents with local partners. We are a mix of natural and social scientists as well as artists in residence. A lot of CAWR’s research is done with small scale farmers, indigenous people and pastoralists and emphasises participatory and transdisciplinary approaches that combine peoples’ knowledge with more academic ones. We have skills in these areas that may be of interest to this Post-Development Academic-Activist Global Group. Ashish I do like the name PeDAGoG!

CAWR also runs an MSc on Agroecology, Water and Food Sovereignty and several PhD students are also doing work on food sovereignty/food justice, agroecology in rural and urban contexts, water management, gender and nutrition, the rights to food and water, and governance. Again, this may be relevant for the PeDAGoG.

As a research centre and group of scholar activists, we do publish peer reviewed articles but not only - we make films, animations and generally experiment with multimedia-based knowledge mobilisation strategies to give voice & agency to different knowledge holders we co-construct knowledge (from peasant farmers and indigenous peoples to policy makers and scientists). For example, you can get a feel for what we do in some of our work with social movements on agroecology and food sovereignty here: and here

These are areas our Centre and my colleagues can perhaps contribute most to PeDAGog: agroecology – food sovereignty – feminist political ecology – right to food and water – decolonising research methodologies and pedagogies – scholar activism and knowledge mobilisation for transformations

Vasna Ramasar <>

I am currently a Assistant Professor in the Division of Human Ecology, Department hi affiliate at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) in Sweden. I was born and raised in South Africa, a dynamic country, where I learnt important lessons of freedoms, people’s roles in nature and about inequality. I have 10 years research, consulting and teaching experience across southern and eastern Africa, Asia, Europe and north America. In the past, my work has focused on water governance, environmental assessment and policy, HIV/AIDS and the environment and sustainability but being a generalist at heart, I am most interested trying to understand the big picture of how people and planetary dynamics come together and the complexity of these interactions.My work is framed within the broad field of political ecology and I seek to bring an interdisciplinary perspective to questions of development and sustainability. I have recently focused my research on the politics of scale within development and environmental governance in the areas of the energy crisis, health and the environment and water governance. I am also interested in feminist and decolonail approaches to environment and development.

I am the Programme Director for a Masters in Culture, Power and Sustainability at the Division of Human Ecology at Lund University as well as working with the Right Livelihood College in Lund. We strive to be a critical programme focused on radical alternatives.

I am also a member of the Global TapestryThe weaving of networks of Alternatives of Alternatives core group and a coordinator of the Non-binary people and women of colour Copenhagen.

Sayan Dey <>

I from Kolkata, India and I am currently working as a Lecturer in the Department of English, Yonphula Centenary College (affiliated to Royal University of Bhutan). As a part of my teaching assignments, teach different modules like eco-criticism, linguistics and drama in my insitution. Besides my teaching engagements, I am usually engaged with different aspects of everyday decolonial thinking and doing. To frame and channelize my engagement in a systematic manner, I have initiated a podcast series titled “Everyday Decoloniality: A Multicultural Initiative” and the podcast episodes can be found here: As a part of the Convivial Thinking Collective, along with my colleagues there, I have also started a monthly podcast series for it:

Surajit C Mukhopadhyay

Hi! My name is Surajit C Mukhopadhyay and I am a sociologist by training. I was wondering if we could all put our heads together on the matter of 'Society after Covid-19'. It goes without saying that a lot of changes are on the anvil. Some of these changes may be positive for democracy, the nature of development and public policies in general. On the other hand the fear is that once the scare is over, it may be back to Business as Usual model and the neo-liberal policies would make a strong comeback. Already authoritarian political leaders are using the pandemic to rule by diktats rather than by consultations and discussions. It would be great if members of this group could put up thoughts on the matter. We could then bring together all of that in a workshop if possible.

Julia Schöneberg

I am a post-doc at the University of Kassel currently working on a reinvention of development theory/theorization of postdevelopment. I am a sociologist and peace researcher by training. I am the co-founder of, a platform and collective seeking to surpass boundaries of origin, ethnicity, professional affiliation and academic disciplines in order to give space to inclusive, interdisciplinary and alternative approaches towards mainstream methods of knowledge production, especially in the context of “development”. The collective hosts different activities among them a blog space, regular reading circles and online discussions, a podcast initiated and hosted by fellow convivial thinker Sayan Dey. Currently, the collective is in the process to collect materials for teaching and learning and rather than duplicating we'd be happy to align with pedagog.

Steven Klees

I am an economist and professor of education at the University of Maryland in the U.S. I direct an MA and PhD program in international education policy. My area of focus is the political economy of education and its relationship to international “development.” I am actively engaged in a number of activist networks dealing with global policies in this area and have a long history critiquing the work of the World Bank, as well as working in dozens of countries on the evaluation of education policies and programs. While most of my work concerns education I have a new book coming out in October, called “The Conscience of a Progressive,” that offers a progressive critique of conservative/neoliberal and liberal views on a whole host of issues such as poverty, inequality, development, economics, capitalism, health care, the environment, war and violence, and more.

Melanie E. L. Bush,

Grounded in movement work throughout my life, at this time I am co-chair of the Board of May First Movement Technology Board and working with People's Strike at the national level, as co-rep of the International Committee and with the related NYC Fight for Our Lives coalition. I am a Professor, Sociology at Adelphi University / Research Fellow of the University of South Africa. My focus has been on coloniality-decoloniality, white supremacy, nation and nationalism and solidarity economies.

Judith Dellheim

Judith Dellheim reached her PHD in political economy, is a research fellow at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation's Institute for Critical Social Analysis and a member of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group (European Working Group of Alternative Economists) and a active member/contributor to the Sustainable Europe Research Institute SERI Germany e.V. … She has a large number of scientific and political publications to her credit, e.g.

Susan Paulson

Now based in the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida, I study and teach about gender, class, and ethnoracial systems interacting with bodies and environments. In past decade have advanced cross-cultural exploration of masculinities and of degrowth. I have researched and taught in Latin America for 30 years, 15 of those living in South America among low-income, low-impact communities.

Reflections on our process can be found in following papers:
Pluriversal learning: pathways toward a world of many worlds. Nordia Geographical Publications Yearbook 2018. 47: 5, 85–109. Paulson, Susan

La propuesta de descrecimiento en diálogo pluriversal con el buen vivir, la agroecología y zapatismo. In Cambio Ambiental. Desafíos y alternativas en las apuestas por la sostenibilidad de la vida. Ed., Anisley Morejón Ramos. La Habana: Instituto de Filosofía de Cuba. 2019. Susan Paulson. (available here).

For me, the past few months have brought headlong engagement in struggles over which paths to pursue through and after crises of pandemic and racism. Seizing these opportunities for change feels urgent, as powerful actors (and many everyday residents) continue pushing to reconstitute the status quo. Some efforts can be found here: From pandemic toward care-full degrowth. Interface, A Journal for and about Social Movements, May 2020. Susan Paulson, Giacomo D’Alisa, Federico Demaria, Giorgos Kallis, Feminisms & Degrowth Alliance

The case for degrowth in a time of pandemic. Open Democracy, 14 May 2020. Re-published in The Ecologist and Brave New Europe, El Diario (Spanish) and Mediapart (French). Giorgos Kallis, Susan Paulson, Giacomo D’Alisa, Federico Demaria

Forthcoming Degrowth and feminisms ally to forge care-full paths beyond pandemic. Interface, A Journal for and about Social Movements. Susan Paulson.

Anticipating with pleasure our conversations on July 8th, Susan Paulson

*What Do You Want From This Group?

Massimo De Marchi I desire to share exoerences, tools, alternatuve practices and to find Univerisities interested in cooperating at the International Jint master Degree on Sustainable Territorial Development - Climate Change Diversity Cooperation (STeDe - CCD)

Sayan dey I would love to share some ideas about some decolonial teaching pedagogies with which I experiment and try to implement while interacting with my postgraduate students in Bhutan.

As a part of this working group, I wish to know from all the members that what initiatives they are taking in order to decolonize the curriculum and classroom pedagogy at their respective work places. Keeping the possibilities at the backdrop, I would like to incorporate them within my habitual engagements with the students. I would also like to share my experiences with all and would like to receive comments, criticism and feedback. Apart from curricular and pedagogical aspects, I would also like to explore the other possibilities of engagements with the passage of time.

Vasna Ramasar For me personally, I think this network could be important in several ways. The first is to have a platform to collectively respond in support of issues or activists. In Sweden and elsewhere this has taken the form of newspaper comments (many of us signed for post-growth) as well as providing support and spaces for visiting researchers who are activists fleeing their own countries. From a teaching perspective, tools, materials and case studies as well as sharing experiences would be fantastic. we strive to bring in anti-oppressive and feminist anddecolonial approaches in our teaching and could benefit greatly from learning elsewhere. It would be nice to also think about how such a toolbox could be shared more broadly. As I teach in a Scandinavian context, it is also important to bring in Global South voices and perspectives and to have exchange of knowledge amongst students and teachers.

Finally, there are some challenges that academics, especially early career and precarious academics have that I think we should be able to discuss. Many would like to keep to the activist ethic but struggle to also meet the requirements of the neoliberal academic environment like publishing in high impact journals. These challenges are faced by many of us and support and guidance in navigating this would be helpful.

Most immediately, as part of the GTAGlobal Tapestry of Alternatives, I am looking to apply for Swedish Research Links funding for a collaborative work on radical alternatives and it would be great to have input from this community.

Pallavi Varma Patil We have over the course of few years curated information and designed lesson plans, assignments, class work, for university and outside university classrooms that are pertaining to this course. We would be happy to share that with the network. We are now attempting to offer the same course in a few vernacular languages in India. 3. It would be nice if we network to share readings, classroom practices, some nice assessments that evaluate the content, lesson plans, modules etc. 4. If Brandon can manage to put our course documents and readings used by all of us in one place that can be a nice database to use.For example, we have some readings by Gandhi and Tagore and on them which we strongly feel need to get highlighted if we talk of degrowth or post development ideologies. On the other hand when we introduce convivial thinking it would be nice to dip into say, Wageningen University's existing work. 5. Finally, as a teacher, I feel it is always nice to have a space to discuss what worked and didn't work in the classroom and how we can do things better within our individual contexts. I hope therefore that this network also becomes a space like that for some of us!

Aram Ziai I'd be very interested in other syllabi, lectures and didactical tools used in teaching Post-Development. And in your experiences - Wendy has written a highly interesting article in TWQ on hers. We have a project on “Theorizing Post-Development” and if you have interesting examples on Post-Development concepts and practices you would like to share, I'm very curious. It would of course be a good experience to get to know all of you in person in a great Post-Development gathering … but on the other hand I am trying to reduce my air travel and CO2-emissions… difficult.

Concerning the structure: would it be a good idea to try to join the 'Decolonial Alternatives to Development' Network (for the most part consisting on scholars based in Europe) with this one? The Convivial Thinking site would be a wonderful location.

Miriam Lang A systematic overview of existing regional/transnational networks/websites around systemic alternatives which point to multidimensional transformation and have a post-development or anti-capitalist perspective would be great to have some day, also as a resource to connect students with.

I am also very interested, as many people already have stated, in exchanging syllabi, didactic materials, methods etc. and also, very much, in a meeting. I would also like to exchange experiences about how people organize an ecology of knowledges including feminist, decolonial and popular education perspectives at their universities, and how and to which extent you include non-academic voices and activities in your programmes.

Although I embrace the initiative to do carbon-neutral conferences very much, I think one face-to-face meeting in order to fuel a network at the beginning and experiment the enormous wealth it signifies in our bodies might be necessary…

I agree with Vasna that mutual support and collaboration around concrete initiatives regarding the strategies to cope with neoliberal academic environments would be helpful, (for example, but not only, editing special issues in journals to create space for publications) and of course we should not dismiss opportunities to collaborate in research around radical transformation and combine perspectives from different parts of the world, in order to generate and broaden this ecology of knowledges I am sure many of us are thriving toward.

I also agree on opening spaces to support current struggles and activism through newspaper comments etc.

Minoia, Paola I am working in an international Master programme AGIC - Area and Global studies for International Cooperation (interdisciplinary with humanities and social sciences like anthropology history, literature, geography, political sciences etc.) that has many students coming from all areas of the world, and many have returned to their home countries since the situation in Italy has been considered unsafe. In my course, we are trying to work on solidarity actions and networks with e.g. migrant associations, marginalized groups, indigenous peoples etc. in Europe or elsewhere. A great thing was to invite representatives and activists in the classroom. In these times of virus, when all is transferred online, it would be great if you had video recordings on possibilities of civilizational transitions and how social groups and movements can establish relevant solidarity programmes together; also including material and immaterial sources to make the partnerships and activities possible, through various kinds of modalities and resources.

Moreover, I am interested in alternative/traditional practices of water management, and recently I have started working on indigenous and intercultural learning approaches. My current research is on knowledge diversity and epistemic rights (also for environmental and territorial justice) through adapted learning especially with/for indigenous students. I have an ongoing collaboration with activists and university/school teachers in the Pastaza region of Ecuador. ×

I am interested in sharing ideas, resources, building networks and I'm look for someone to partner with me spring 2021 so students can work together both in and outside the U.S. The course title is the Reshaping of Social Relations in the Modern World and includes a section and assignment in developing a decolonial aspect of society. (

Judith Dellheim I am interested in networking and getting contacts for sharing within the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and its offices. Further, I am interested in working on concrete experience from working in alternative projects in the fields of renewable energy and sustainable mobility and in working on the theory and on concepts of socio-ecological reconstruction/transformation/transition.