# Presentation of the Manifesto for an Ecosocial Energy Transition from the Peoples of the South - 10/02/23 {{ :events:ecosocial-energy-transition-20230210.jpg?400|}} Join us for the launch of the [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfl_OW5eY_lZNABezGBhsbL3fy2xPOSpB0qwifkjnkA0B6y1A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&urp=gmail_link|Manifesto for an Ecosocial Energy Transition from the Peoples of the South]], an important new call from the Global South for a real, clean, and equitable transformation away from fossil fuels, the trashing of nature, and the disproportionate consumption patterns of the wealthiest countries. **Speakers** * Maristella Svampa (Argentina) of the Ecosocial Pact of the South * Trusha Reddy (South Africa) of Womin * Ashish Kothari (India) of Kalpavriksh and the Global Tapestry of Alternatives Moderated by Liliana Buitrago of the Ecosocial Pact (Venezuela). In both English and Spanish. ---- Organizational endorsers of the manifesto include the [[https://pactoecosocialdelsur.com/|Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South]], Greenpeace, Focus on the Global South, War on Want, Global Justice Now, Third World Network, WoMin, Peoples Response Network, Health of Mother Earth Foundation, **Global Tapestry of Alternatives**, Censat Agua Viva - Amigos de la Tierra Colombia, Espacioenoff, Extinction Rebellion Medellín, Seminario permanente Re-Evolución de la Salud, Grupo Socioambiental Lotos, ACTRICES ARGENTINAS, Friends of the Earth Malaysia, and Consumers Association of Penang. ## Recording